Avalanche Weekly Recap | Jun 13th- 19th, 2022

This Avalanche weekly recap is for informative purposes only and not investment advice. Last week, the market was quite bad with a lot of fud, which was related to the investment fund 3AC. Led the price of Avax to drop to $14 but recovered quite nicely. Let’s have a look at the new updates this week

Network Growth

Daily Transactions

Average Daily Transactions Jun 13th- 19th on the Avalanche C-chain reach 310,757 transactions. Up 41.8% since last week (219,158). The number reached 484,169 at the peak of the data on June 13th. And the lowest was on June 17th, with 222,681 transactions.

Unique Addresses

The Cumulative Unique Addresses index is currently at 3,008,495 addresses. Last week, there were 2,980,707 addresses, indicating a 27,788 addresses rise. Which is +6.48% more than what it was last week (26,096). The daily increase rate remains at 3,969 addresses. Up 6.48% compared to last week (3,728).

Active addresses

During Jun 13th – 19th, there is an average of 49,871 active addresses. Up from 47,884 last week (+4.14%). June 13th is the day with the most active addresses (54,170 addresses). While the lowest index day of the week is June 19th with 44,490 addresses.

Total Value Locked

The Total Value Locked in 7-days has decreased 8.13%, from $5.9 billion to $5.42 billion. Avalanche is still in third place. Most Layer 1 platforms have seen a loss at this level and have not demonstrated any signs of recovery.

Total Stablecoin Supply

The Avalanche ecosystem has a total stablecoin market cap of $2.89B, down 17.19% ($3.49B) from last week. With a market capitalization of $1.88 billion (65.24%), USDC is the most popular stablecoin. Then there is USDT, which has a total supply of $645.02 million (22.17%), and DAI, which has a total supply of $213.49 million (7.43%). Some other stablecoins accounted for 5.16%. MIM had lost its peg and decreased the market cap significantly in 7 days (-88.38%).

Top 10 Price Performance last 7D in Ecosystem

Highlight Events

Avalanche House is coming to Brooklyn, NY on FRI. JULY 15

Avalanche House | FE Brooklyn is hosted at Hook Studios Dikeman right before the Formula E race weekend.

Attendees can participate in keynotes and panels, networking, live music, and more. Avalanche House strives to cultivate a culture that accelerates progress towards a Web3-enabled future.

For more information: click here

Orchid’s layer 2 is running on Avalanche

Using Orchid’s account manager (dapp), anyone can make an Orchid account with AVAX and pay for VPN service by the byte using Orchid’s layer 2, which harnesses probability to send huge numbers of tiny payments.

For more information: click here

DeFi Lego


Pangolin Governance Proposal: Retrieve 6m PNG From On-Chain Treasury

Last year’s governance vote set aside funds to help cover Pangolin’s operating expenses. These funds are reserved for times of need. With the current market conditions, we are proposing that 6m PNG be transferred to our operating treasury to help cover expenses related to:

  • Contract audits
  • Legal counsel
  • Core contributors
  • Community contributors
  • Engineer contractors
  • Travel
  • Market makers

For more information: click here


WOOFi launches cross-chain swaps between Avalanche, Fantom, and BSC

WOOFi will leverage LayerZero’s Stargate to let users swap native tokens from chain to chain in one click

For more information: click here


Pollen live on mainnet with first virtual asset-management module

Pollen Virtual, after two years’ development and six months’ active testing by 7,000-plus community members, lets users test trading strategies in a sandbox environment, encouraging them to compete and earn reputation and PLN token rewards.

For more information: click here


Platypus NFT Minting soon

  • Priority Sale: 27 Jun, 3pm UTC; price: 250PTP
  • Public Sale: 28 Jun, 3pm UTC; price: 500-200PTP (Dutch-auction)
  • Total supply: 10K

Save the Date & catch your Platypus hero!

For more information: click here

Crabada is integrating Chainlink VRF and Chainlink Keepers on Avalanche mainnet

“We’re incredibly pleased to be integrating these Chainlink services on Avalanche C-Chain.

Transparency and decentralization are core pillars of Web3 gaming, and Chainlink provides a secure, transparent, and simple way to access verifiable randomness and decentralized automation, saving a lot of time for our team while enabling us to uphold the high standards we have for Crabada.” Oxtender, founder of Crabada.

For more information: click here

Kalao Go makes NFT drops easy for creators

Launching an NFT collection is a lot of work. You need to create the art, the brand, do marketing, manage your community and build the minting smart contracts and frontend.

As a creator, you either do it all by yourself and lose many sleepless nights or outsource some of the work and get an outcome of unknown quality.

For more information: click here

Ascenders whitepaper is published

Ascenders is an original AAA multiplayer open-world Action RPG that brings forward influences from Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Eve Online forges them into a fresh and stunning immersive experience and catapults them into the dynamic crypto gaming scene. The result is a new multi-platform science-fantasy world filled with danger, adventure, and exotic horizons – all to be explored and mastered. This whitepaper serves to prepare you.

For more information: click here

Find more information about Avalanche:

Website: https://www.avax.network/

Whitepaper: https://www.avalabs.org/whitepapers

Twitter: https://twitter.com/avalancheavax

Telegram: https://t.me/avalancheavax

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email ventures@coincu.com.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

Avalanche Weekly Recap | Jun 13th- 19th, 2022

This Avalanche weekly recap is for informative purposes only and not investment advice. Last week, the market was quite bad with a lot of fud, which was related to the investment fund 3AC. Led the price of Avax to drop to $14 but recovered quite nicely. Let’s have a look at the new updates this week

Network Growth

Daily Transactions

Average Daily Transactions Jun 13th- 19th on the Avalanche C-chain reach 310,757 transactions. Up 41.8% since last week (219,158). The number reached 484,169 at the peak of the data on June 13th. And the lowest was on June 17th, with 222,681 transactions.

Unique Addresses

The Cumulative Unique Addresses index is currently at 3,008,495 addresses. Last week, there were 2,980,707 addresses, indicating a 27,788 addresses rise. Which is +6.48% more than what it was last week (26,096). The daily increase rate remains at 3,969 addresses. Up 6.48% compared to last week (3,728).

Active addresses

During Jun 13th – 19th, there is an average of 49,871 active addresses. Up from 47,884 last week (+4.14%). June 13th is the day with the most active addresses (54,170 addresses). While the lowest index day of the week is June 19th with 44,490 addresses.

Total Value Locked

The Total Value Locked in 7-days has decreased 8.13%, from $5.9 billion to $5.42 billion. Avalanche is still in third place. Most Layer 1 platforms have seen a loss at this level and have not demonstrated any signs of recovery.

Total Stablecoin Supply

The Avalanche ecosystem has a total stablecoin market cap of $2.89B, down 17.19% ($3.49B) from last week. With a market capitalization of $1.88 billion (65.24%), USDC is the most popular stablecoin. Then there is USDT, which has a total supply of $645.02 million (22.17%), and DAI, which has a total supply of $213.49 million (7.43%). Some other stablecoins accounted for 5.16%. MIM had lost its peg and decreased the market cap significantly in 7 days (-88.38%).

Top 10 Price Performance last 7D in Ecosystem

Highlight Events

Avalanche House is coming to Brooklyn, NY on FRI. JULY 15

Avalanche House | FE Brooklyn is hosted at Hook Studios Dikeman right before the Formula E race weekend.

Attendees can participate in keynotes and panels, networking, live music, and more. Avalanche House strives to cultivate a culture that accelerates progress towards a Web3-enabled future.

For more information: click here

Orchid’s layer 2 is running on Avalanche

Using Orchid’s account manager (dapp), anyone can make an Orchid account with AVAX and pay for VPN service by the byte using Orchid’s layer 2, which harnesses probability to send huge numbers of tiny payments.

For more information: click here

DeFi Lego


Pangolin Governance Proposal: Retrieve 6m PNG From On-Chain Treasury

Last year’s governance vote set aside funds to help cover Pangolin’s operating expenses. These funds are reserved for times of need. With the current market conditions, we are proposing that 6m PNG be transferred to our operating treasury to help cover expenses related to:

  • Contract audits
  • Legal counsel
  • Core contributors
  • Community contributors
  • Engineer contractors
  • Travel
  • Market makers

For more information: click here


WOOFi launches cross-chain swaps between Avalanche, Fantom, and BSC

WOOFi will leverage LayerZero’s Stargate to let users swap native tokens from chain to chain in one click

For more information: click here


Pollen live on mainnet with first virtual asset-management module

Pollen Virtual, after two years’ development and six months’ active testing by 7,000-plus community members, lets users test trading strategies in a sandbox environment, encouraging them to compete and earn reputation and PLN token rewards.

For more information: click here


Platypus NFT Minting soon

  • Priority Sale: 27 Jun, 3pm UTC; price: 250PTP
  • Public Sale: 28 Jun, 3pm UTC; price: 500-200PTP (Dutch-auction)
  • Total supply: 10K

Save the Date & catch your Platypus hero!

For more information: click here

Crabada is integrating Chainlink VRF and Chainlink Keepers on Avalanche mainnet

“We’re incredibly pleased to be integrating these Chainlink services on Avalanche C-Chain.

Transparency and decentralization are core pillars of Web3 gaming, and Chainlink provides a secure, transparent, and simple way to access verifiable randomness and decentralized automation, saving a lot of time for our team while enabling us to uphold the high standards we have for Crabada.” Oxtender, founder of Crabada.

For more information: click here

Kalao Go makes NFT drops easy for creators

Launching an NFT collection is a lot of work. You need to create the art, the brand, do marketing, manage your community and build the minting smart contracts and frontend.

As a creator, you either do it all by yourself and lose many sleepless nights or outsource some of the work and get an outcome of unknown quality.

For more information: click here

Ascenders whitepaper is published

Ascenders is an original AAA multiplayer open-world Action RPG that brings forward influences from Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Eve Online forges them into a fresh and stunning immersive experience and catapults them into the dynamic crypto gaming scene. The result is a new multi-platform science-fantasy world filled with danger, adventure, and exotic horizons – all to be explored and mastered. This whitepaper serves to prepare you.

For more information: click here

Find more information about Avalanche:

Website: https://www.avax.network/

Whitepaper: https://www.avalabs.org/whitepapers

Twitter: https://twitter.com/avalancheavax

Telegram: https://t.me/avalancheavax

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email ventures@coincu.com.

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

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